Evening Workshop: Raising Great Kids in an Overindulgent World
Join us as we share new knowledge, insights and strategies that you can apply immediately to help your child to become a responsible, likeable and respectful human being.
Thursday 11th August 2022
7.30pm – 9.30pm
CEC Wellington High School, 249 Taranaki Street, Te Aro, Wellington 6011
$25 per session incl. GST
One Day Parenting Workshop: Raising Resilient Kids In An Overindulgent World
Join us as we work through the 6 building blocks of the ‘Parenting Road Code’ and help you develop individual parenting strategies that will create a healthy balance between care and structure for your children.

Monday 15th August 2022
9.30am – 2.30pm.
1/33 Johnsonville Road,
Johnsonville, Wellington 6037
$90 per session incl. GST

Online Parenting Course: Parenting Road Code
Designed to fit around busy schedules, this self-directed online parenting course is for anyone involved in helping our children to become competent and wonderful human beings. Caregivers, teachers and social workers will all walk away with the tools and skills they need to become the best and most confident caregiver they can be.
Self paced learning
$23 one time payment
One on One Parent Coaching
Parent Coaching is a conversation that supports parents to improve their skills and effectiveness at parenting.
The coaching relationship is a strengths-based process of: building rapport, setting goals, exploring options, challenging thinking, reflecting, gaining commitment for action and providing support.

Parenting Road Code by Madeleine Taylor
Full of judgement-free advice, support and encouragement, along with lots of practical tools, this book is recommended to all parents looking for help in raising responsible, likeable and respectful children.
Also available, a Parenting Road Code Support Workbook to help readers think through the exercises and record their thoughts.